07 Feb

Unless a "White" nationalists wants to somehow rule over others and OR is motivated purely from a basis of racial superiority, then a "White" nationalists is actually a separatist, and not at all anything to do with supremacy!

Globally, "White" nationalists are people who reside in countries settled by (or RE-INHABITATED,  as there clear covered up evidence of "Whites" being in places like North America and New Zealand, and I'm sure else where now considered lands we invaded, who were killed off by what are now considered natives) or native to "White" people, who, I believe for the most part, are separatist that simply refuse to roll over and die at the feet of anti-Whites and hoards of non-whites who really have absolutely no concern for the "Whites" they are displacing or anything else to do with celebrating "diversity", sustainability and conservation.

I believe most "Whites" who are in fact "White" nationalists, are not motivated at all by supremacy! Bit different to, for example, a Chinese nationalist, living in Australia, who has his own country, but wants to rob both Aboriginal Australians and "White" Aussies of our homeland, or even American Negroids who want to keep being carried by "Whites", receiving special treatment, growing in numbers and taking over more and more of  territory once populated by "Whites", at the detriment of the actual founding stock of the country and the demographic responsible for making America a once successful country that so many wanted to live in...  We don't have a "White" supremacy problem!  We have a "yellow ", brown and black supremacy problem! #whitelivesmatter #itsnotoktobeantiwhite #itsoktobewhite #WhitePride #FightWhiteGenocide 

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