Aggression: Human aggression seems to be adaptive in hunter-gatherer societies, as the most aggressive males sire the most offspring. However, in agricultural or post-agricultural societies (e.g. Europe or North Asia) human aggression is probably maladaptive. It has been surmised that Sub-Sahara blacks have a genetic disposition toward aggression.

Allele(s): The alternative forms of a gene that can exist at a particular locus. Thus, A, B, and O are the alleles of the ABO blood group system; positive and negative are the alleles of the Rh system.

Alphas: Alpha males, the dominate male in the pack. Most females attracted to alphas, who are the leaders of men and women.

Aristocracy: Historically, aristocrats originated as a military caste and have tended to be fairer-skinned and taller than commoners (e.g. the "fair princess"), both in Europe and North Asia. Aristocrats also have reproduced at a higher rate than commoners. According to Guillaume Faye, aristocrats are those who defend their people before their own interests. An aristocracy has a sense of history and blood lineage, seeing itself as biologically representative of the people it serves.

Betas: Beta males, subservient to alphas, often providers or conciliators, sometimes former or future alphas.

Biopolitics: A political project oriented to a people’s biological and demographic imperatives. It includes family and population policy, restricting types of or all immigration, and addressing issues of public health and genetic well-being.

Blue Blood: The fair-skinned upper-class / aristocracy (e.g. a fair princess). During the Medieval period in Southern Europe, one's skin was supposed to be fair enough to see the blue veins (hence "blue blood"), thus distinguishing fair-skinned Europeans from the duskier Moors and others.

Bottleneck Effect: An evolutionary event in which a significant percentage of a population or species is killed or otherwise prevented from reproducing.

Celto-Germanic: A person with ancestry from the British Isles (e.g. England, Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and a Germanic country (Germany, Sweden, etc.). The majority of white Americans could be classified as Celto-Germanic.

Chain migration: The endless and often-snowballing chains of foreign nationals who are allowed to immigrate because the law allows citizens and lawful permanent residents to bring in their extended, non-nuclear family members.

Clark Thesis: During Medieval England the upper-classes reproduced at a 2:1 rate over the lower classes, which resulted in a downward drift of people and their genes and which might explain the general decline in violence and the increase in average IQ. Other researchers have found similar phenomena in other European countries.

Class division: Class distinctions are often more pronounced in racially homogenous societies. However, in racially diverse societies, ethnic, racial or racial-caste distinctions most often trump class distinctions. In diverse societies, class / caste divisions may also represent underlying racial divisions. See India, Latin America, or "blue blood" in Southern Europe.

Culturalism: The view, contra the hereditarian view, that most human behaviors can be attributed to culture. Popularized in the early 20th century by Boasian anthropology / Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries. Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology.

Devirilisation: Declining values of courage and virility for the sake of political correctness.

Diaspora Europeans: Whites living outside Europe (e.g. in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States).

Donohue-Levitt hypothesis: A controversial theory that legal abortion reduces crime on the grounds that unwanted children are more likely to become criminals and that an inverse correlation is observed between the availability of abortion and subsequent crime.

Dysgenics: A term describing the progressive evolutionary "weakening" or genetic deterioration of a population of organisms relative to their environment, often due to relaxation of natural selection or the occurrence of negative selection.

Ethnic Nepotism: A concept in sociobiology to explain why people prefer other people of the same ethnicity or race. The more genes that X shares with Y the more likely X will act altruistically towad Y, since by showing altruisim toward a co-ethnic (vs. a non-co-ethnic) an individual hopes to pass on more copies of his own genes.

Ethnicity: A sociobiological subdivision of a race (i.e. a race broken into smaller units of biologically closely related people).

Ethnomasochism: Hatred of one's own race.

Ethnopluralism: Popularized by Alain de Benoist. A view stressing the "right of difference," which asserts that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.

Ethno-Religion: The phenomenon of race and religion overlapping and reinforcing each other. Prior to the rise of religious universalism in past couple centuries, ethno-religion has been the norm throughout human history, resulting in very strong group identities.

Ethnos: Greek for tribe, race or ethnicity.

Eugenics: A system, first popularized by Plato and Aristotle and practiced throughout nearly all European history (and probably other civilizations as well, such as in North Asia), aimed at improving the characteristics of a population through breeding practices. Positive eugenics aims at encouraging those with advantageous traits to reproduce, while negative eugenics aims at discouraging those with disadvantageous traits from reproducing. Eugenics prior to WWII was quite popular among both the left and the right (e.g. American presidents and British prime ministers belonged to eugenics clubs), but after WWII eugenics acquired a negative connotation.

European Americans: White people in the United States.

Explicit Processing: Regarding brain activity; the opposite of implicit processing. It is conscious, controllable, and takes effort.

Founder Effect: Occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have: (1) reduced genetic variation from the original population or (2) a non-random sample of the genes in the original population.

Game: According to Heartiste, a systematized blueprint of male behavior for attracting, courting and seducing women in an efficient and powerful manner based on the practical application of theories of human, and particularly female, sexuality derived from the insights of evolutionary psychology, biology and real world experimentation.

Genetic Drift: The change in the frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population due to random sampling. The alleles in the offspring are a sample of those in the parents, and chance has a role in determining whether a given individual survives and reproduces.

Genophilia: Love of one's own race.

Genophiliast: Lover of one's own race.

Gens: Latin for tribe, race or ethnicity.

Gentillesse: Medieval eugenics concept. Refinement and courtesy resulting from good breeding.

Germen: Popularized by Guillaume Faye. A people’s or civilization’s biological root. In Latin, germen means ‘germ’, ‘seed.’ If a culture is lost, recovery is possible. When the biological germen is destroyed, nothing is possible.

Green Beard Effect: A term coined by Dawkins for the situation in which a gene has two effects (pleiotropy), one of which produces a recognizable phenotypic trait (the hypothetical Green Beard) and the other produces the tendency to manifest altruistic behavior toward others who also manifest that trait. It occurs when a gene, or linked genes, produce three phenotypic effects: (1) a perceptible trait — the hypothetical "green beard";
(2) recognition of this trait in others; and (3) preferential treatment to those recognized.

Group Selection: The theory that natural selection also operates at the level of the group and not just the individual organism.

Hamilton's Rule: From the gene's point of view, evolutionary success ultimately depends on leaving behind the maximum number of copies of itself in the population. W. D. Hamilton proved mathematically that, because close relatives of an organism share some identical genes, a gene can also increase its evolutionary success by promoting the reproduction and survival of these related or otherwise similar individuals. Hamilton claimed that this leads natural selection to favor organisms that would behave in ways that maximize their inclusive fitness.

HBD: Human Bio-Diversity.

Hereditarian: The view, contra culturalism, that many (although not all) human behaviors are hereditary. This view is ancient (present among the Greeks, Romans, ancient Germans, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and was the dominant view until the rise of culturalism/Boasianism/Cultural Marxism in the early 20th century.

Identity: Etymologically, ‘that which makes singular’. A people’s identity is what makes it incomparable and irreplaceable.

Ignatiev Fallacy: The fallacious claim made by Cultural Marxists, trying to deflate the concept of race, that the Irish were once thought of as non-white, which is nonsensical when one considers peroid literature (e.g. Phineas Finn) or considers that there were never anti-miscegenation laws directed against the Irish (but there were anti-miscegenation laws directed against blacks and other non-Europeans). Regarding modern population genetics, Cavalli-Sforza's genetic distance charts show that all Europeans are closely related. For instance, in terms of genetic distances, the English are over 100x more closely related to the Irish than to blacks. Bryan Sykes has found that the British Isles to be quite homogenous.

Implicit Processing: Involves most of the activities going in our brains in our daily life. It is unconscious, automatic, effortless, relatively fast, and involves parallel processing of large amounts of information.

Implicit whiteness: Tendency of white people to associate with other white people (e.g. at environmentalist clubs, conservative clubs, book clubs, classical music events, etc.) while often simultaneously denouncing "racism."

Impulse control: Lack of human impulse control may be adaptive in hunter-gatherer societies, as most daring males seem to sire the most offspring. However, in agricultural or post-agricultural societies (e.g. Europe or North Asia) impulse control seems to be adaptive. It has been surmised that Sub-Sahara blacks have a genetic disposition making them lack impulse control.

Inclusive Fitness: An evolutionary theory, according to which an organism can improve its overall genetic succes by cooperative, social behavior. The theory holds that the total fitness of an organism is influenced both by its classical fitness (how many of its own offspring it produces and supports) but also by the number of equivalents of its own offspring it can add to the population by supporting others similar to itself (kin or co-ethnics).

Involution: According to Guillaume Faye, the regression of a civilization or species to maladaptive forms that lead to the diminishing of its vital forces. Cultural involution has been stimulated by the decline of education, the regression of knowledge, the collapse of social norms, the immersion of youth in a world of audio/visual play [and] the Africanization of European culture.

Kin Selection: The selection of genes so as to cause individuals to favor their close genetic relatives (or others of the same race) as they are statistically likely to share genes in common. Often invoked to provide a neo-Darwinian explanation of behaviors such as altruism.

Leukophobia: The fear of white people organizing racially.

Lewontin’s Fallacy: The fallacious (misleading, and irrelevant) claim that there is more genetic diversity within a population than between populations. Popularized by Marxist Richard Lewontin. See hereand here.

Liberal Creationists: Those who profess to believe in Darwinism buy deny biological reality of race and seem to think that human evolution for past 50k years has occurred only from the neck down. In other words, they believe in miracles.

Low Mate Value: When a person lacks fitness indicators or has negative indicators (e.g. is overweight, asymmetrical, conventionally unattractive, unintelligent, etc.). For example, it has been observed that many white women who date black men have low mate value.

MAMBs: Non-white Hispanics. An acronym for "Mestizos, Amerindians, Mulattos, and Blacks" from Latin America. MAMBs consitute 90%+ of the population of Mexico.

Mangani: Term coined by Gregory Cochran to name the non-homosapien hominin that interbred with Sub-Sahara Africans (but not with Euroepans or Asians). (Cf. Neanderthals, Denisovans)

Meme(s): A term coined by Dawkins for units of cultural inheritance, analogous to genes (the units of genetic transmission), which are acted upon by natural selection.

Mental AIDS: A controversial term coined by Louis Pauwels signifying the collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its decadence and its enemies. Guillaume Faye adds: With biological AIDS, T4 lymphocytes, which are supposed to defend the organism, fail to react to the HIV virus as a threat, and instead treat it as a ‘friend’, helping it to reproduce. European societies today are [similarly] menaced by the collapse of their immunological defenses. As civil violence, delinquency and insecurity explode everywhere, police and judicial measures that might curb them are being undermined. The more Third World colonization damages European peoples, the more measures are taken to continue it. Just as Europe is threatened with demographic collapse, policies which might increase the birth rate are denounced and homosexuality idealized. Catholic prelates argue with great conviction that ‘Islam is an enrichment’, even as it clearly threatens to destroy them.

Mestizo: A mixed-race person from Latin America. The CIA World Fact Book estimates that 60% of Mexicans are mestizos (and another 30% Amerindian). Looking at lower-income mestizos in Mexico City, Lisker (1995) found that the average mestizo admixture to be 59% Amerindian, 34% European (oft. Spaniard), and 6% Black.

Mitochondria: The cell organelles that are the site of energy-releasing biochemical reactions. Mitochondria have their own DNA, which is passed through the female line only and thus is often used in tracing genetic lineages.

Mulatto: A person born of one white and one black parent. Since white looks are recessive, mulattoes almost always appear and identify as black. Philosopher Nick Land has written, "White + Color = Color." Mulattoes also seem to suffer from morehealth problems than single-race individuals.

Multilevel Selection Theory (MLS): A means to to evaluate the balance between group selection and individual selection. MLS compares the many layers of competition and evolution to the “Russian Matryoska Dolls” within one another. The lowest level is the genes, next come the cells, and then the organism level and finally the groups. The different levels function cohesively to maximize fitness, or reproductive success. Regarding the possibility of group selectio, MLS states that selection for the group level, which is competition between groups, must outweigh the individual level, which is individuals competing within a group, for a group-beneficiating trait to spread.

NAM: Lit., "non-Asian minority." Common criticism: large difference between North Asians (e.g. average Chinese IQ, 100) and South Asians (e.g. average Indian IQ, 81), which has led some to propose:

NNAM: Lit., "Non-North-Asian Minority."

Nation: In the traditional sense (from the Latinnasci), a tribe or group of people linked by common blood / ancestry.

Neanderthal DNA: Modern non-African homo sapiens possess Neanderthal DNA, around 4% in Europeans and 2% in North Asians, which might have proven adaptive in immunity and colder climate.

North Asian (or Northeast Asian): Person from or with ancestry from China, Japan or Korea.

Omegas: Omega males, the lowest of the low.

Pariah Dogs: Multiple-generation mutts that, perhaps due to reduced selection pressure, lose traits of domestication and become more "pariah like" (i.e. more wild, closer to wolves). (For example of selection pressure and domestication, see this.)

Pathological Altruism: A concept popularized by a recent book (review here) that demonstrates a maladaptive tendency in certain people to help others at the cost of harming themselves. For instance, one might sacrifice his own inclusive fitness to redirect resources to strangers (who are not kin or co-ethnics); e.g. foreign aid, or celebrities and religious fundamentalists adopting babies from around the globe at the expense of their own genetic continuity.

Phenotype: The observed trait, morphological or behavioral, manifested by an organism. It is the product of the organism’s genotype and the environment in which the organism has developed.

Pleiotropy: The condition in which one gene produces two (or more) different phenotypic traits.

Pluriversalism: The idea that each that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.

Political Correctness: An outgrowth of Cultural Marxism that seeks to stifle academic and scientific research and prohibit free speech in areas deemed contrary to values of Cultural Marxism (e.g. topics on racial differences). Political Correctness often seeks to silence truth in favor of the political dictates of Cultural Marxism / Boasian anthropology.

Prole: Working-class.

Proposition Nation: A concept from Cultural Marxism that maintains that a nation is merely a collection of ideas, as opposed to the traditional understanding of a nation rooted in blood and common ancestry (vide the Latin root nasci). (Propositional Nation, Creedal Nation, et al)

Race: A larger group of biologically related people, such as those grouped along the continental level (e.g. Europeans / Whites, Sub-Sahara Africans, Amerindians, Northeast Asians, etc.). Races can be thought of constituting a geographic subdivision of the species homo sapiens. Logical fallacies of race deniers: First, just because accounts of number of races vary, it doesn’t follow race doesn’t exist. Accounts of number of planets in our solar system and even shapes also vary, but planets and shapes are real. Second, just because race is clinial in some areas of world (but not in all: mountain ranges, oceans, etc), it doesn’t mean individual races don’t exist. Races are not to be confused with ethnicities, which are sociobiological subdivisions of races. (See also: Lewontin’s Fallacy)

Racism & Racist: A racist is someone who values truth more than political correctness. Martin Sewell: "So-called racism is a perfectly natural in-group bias which has been stigmatized by the politically correct West.” Peter Brimelow: "The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."

Rasse: German for race.

SWPL: Lit., "stuff white people like," which implies a white college-educated politically-correct liberal.

Universalism (& Liberal Creationism): Terms used to capture dominant zeitgeist in the Western World where most people seem to believe on blind faith that there are no meaningful differences between racial groups. This creed seems to be be based more in a (secular?) religious desire rather than in reality; Nick Land writes that this view is "entirely lacking in critical self-reflection, is asserted not as a credible social-scientific thesis, or even as a spontaneous popular aspiration, but rather as a religious creed...." Gregory Cochran and others have quipped that many people today seem to think that evolutionary differences between racial groups only occurred from the neck down.

Vitalist Constructivism (Religion): A philosophical / religious movement in Europe (and among Diaspora Europeans) that seeks to combine elements from European paganism, Christianity and HBD to create a new pro-Western religion.

Westerner: A white person or, more specifically, an Ethnic European or Diaspora European.

White Hispanic: A non-mestizo, non-Amerindian Hispanic of purely or mostly Spanish ancestry. (Cf. MAMBs, Mestizo)

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